Juan Pablo Raba has carved out a successful acting career in television ("The Wild District," "Narcos") or film ("The Marksman," "Freelance"). He joins a...
On CinemAddicts Episode 258, we review movies that were released on September 6, 2024. They are "Red Rooms," "Continue," "The Goldman Case," and "Don't...
This week's Interview installment of CinemAddicts features interviews with Filmmaker/actress Nadine Crocker ("Continue") and "Place of Bones" actor Corin Nemec. This installment also includes...
"Little Brother" centers on Pete (Philip Ettinger), a young man whose attempted suicide leads to immediate action from his father Warren (J.K. Simmons) and...
Described as "speculative nonfiction" and "visionary science fiction," "2073" is a movie that will attempt to engage viewers into assessing the present. Global warming,...