CinemAddicts Interviews With Nadine Crocker (‘Continue’) and Corin Nemec (‘Place of Bones’)

Place of Bones (The Avenue), Continue (Lionsgate), Lover of Men (Special Occasion Studios)

This week’s Interview installment of CinemAddicts features interviews with Filmmaker/actress Nadine Crocker (“Continue”) and “Place of Bones” actor Corin Nemec. This installment also includes Bruce Purkey’s review of the Abraham Lincoln centric project “Lover of Men.” Listen to our podcast for more insight on these films!

Nadine Crocker is the writer/director/star of “Continue,” a movie that is now out in theaters and is available On Digital and On Demand. Dean (Crocker) suffered a traumatic mental health episode and is commited to a rehabilitation facility. During her journey, Dean finds comfort and friendship with several people (Shiloh Fernandez, Lio Tipton, Emily Deschanel, Annapurna Sriram) who play an important role in her life. Listen below to hear Eric Holmes’ interview with Crocker, and I also included our Podcast review (and recommendation) of “Continue.”

Eric Holmes interviewed Corin Nemec a couple of weeks back for the Western “Place of Bones.” He plays Calhoun, a wounded outlaw who seeks shelter in a remote home. Pandora (Heather Graham) and her daughter Hester (Brielle Robillard) tend to his injuries, and he warns them of a group of cutthroats who are on his trail. Directed by Audrey Cummings, the feature is now available On Digital and On Demand. Both Eric and I love this movie (I purchased it on Digital). Check out Eric’s interview with Corin as well as our “Place of Bones” review:

Rounding out the episode is Bruce Purkey’s review of “Lover of Men: The Untold Story of Abraham Lincoln” Now playing nationwide, the film explores the possibility that Abraham Lincoln may have had romantic relatinships with men. Directed by Shaun Peterson, the project is recommended by CinemAddicts co-host Bruce Purkey. Check out the trailer and Purkey’s review below: