"The Iron Claw," a critically acclaimed film which detailed the livles of the Von Erich Brothers, is now streaming on Max. CinemAddicts co-host Bruce...
I have two Blu-rays of the sci-thriller Monolith available courtesy of Well Go USA Entertainment. The movie centers on a journalist (Lily Sullivan) who...
Breathe centers on an East Flatbush mom and daughter (Jennifer Hudson, Quvenzhané Wallis) who are attempting to survive in a world sans oxygen. Filmmaker...
I have two Blu-rays of Monster to offer courtesy of Well Go USA Entertainment. The picture, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda (Shoplifters, Broker)...
One of the top recommendations this week on CinemAddicts is In Flames, a critically acclaimed psychological thriller from filmmaker Zarrar Kahn. During the interview,...