CinemAddicts Pick: ‘Amerikatsi’ Is Immersive Filmmaking From Michael A. Goorjian


Finding movie gems that are under the radar is a big mission over at CinemAddicts, and we have discovered another feature with Amerikatsi. Directed and written by Michael A. Goorjian, the feature is now playing at New York’s Quad Cinema and at the AMC Glendale. Check out our review below and most of all put this movie on your to watch list!!

Michael A. Goorjian in “Amerikatsi” (Variance Films)

Set in 1948, Amerikatsi centers on Charlie (Michael A Goorjian), a middle aged man who escaped the Armenian genocide as a boy. He attempts to return to his homeland years later but due to a horrible twist of fate he is sent to prison.

From his prison window Charlie views the lives of a couple living in an apartment. The man, though Armenian, is the prison guard and ultimately their paths will connect. Co-starring Hovic Keuchkerian and Nelli Uvarova, this 117 minute narrative had me captivated from the opening minutes. Both Bruce Purkey and Eric Holmes loved Amerikatsi even more than I, giving the feature ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

Michael A. Goorjian will attend Sunday’s 2:50 showing at Quad Cinema for a Q&A and a live Q&A tonight at AMC Glendale.

Goorjian’s Charlie is a direct nod to cinema icon Charlie Chaplin, and Amerikatsi has its share of silent film type moments (especially when Charlie is watching the couple). One of Amerikatsi’s many strengths lies in its ability to engage the viewer without any cheap or predictable sentimentality. The film’s final moments are subdued, which gives Amerikatsi even more resonance. Check out the movie’s website for future ticket information, and again please keep this movie on your radar!!

Podcast and video versions of our Amerikatsi reviews are below. Let us know your thoughts on the movie!!