Find Your Film 167: Goran Topalovic Talks ‘Korean Cinema’s Golden Decade: The 1960s’

Retrospective is playing at Film at Lincoln Center through September 17.


If you are in the New York area this weekend and are in need of immersive moviegoing, Korean Cinema’s Golden Decade: The 1960s may fit the bill. The retrospective, a collaboration among Subway Cinema, the Korean Film Archive, and the Korean Cultural Center New York, runs through September 17 at Film at Lincoln Center. Find Your Film co-host Eric Holmes talked to Subway Cinema founder Goran Topalovic about the in-depth series.

The Great Monster Yonggary, a Korean kaiju movie, will be presented in 35mm. Most of the features, however, will not be in that format but will still be in excellent condition.

“The Great Monster Yonggary” – Korean Cinema’s Golden Decade: The 1960s

“I think the majority are the DCPs (digital cinema package) which are the restored versions of these films,” said Goran Topalovic. “I have to make a big plug for the Korean Film Archive. It’s offically a co-curation with my friend (Choi Young Jin Eric from the Korean Film Archive). It was not easy because there were a lot of films that I wanted to show but there was no room or they didn’t fit for various reasons. Sometimes the movies that you don’t show are more interesting than the ones you do (laughs). Anyway there is a lot to explore (with the retrospective) if you are interested and there is a YouTube channel for it.”

“Korean Film Archive has provided a majority of the screening materials and over the years they have done a great job restoring these films,” added Topalovic.

The ticket packages include $125 for an all access pass and a dinner and a movie ticket for $30. For more information, check out the ticket prices and film schedule at Film At Lincoln Center.

Full interview with Goran Topalovic is available on YouTube and our Find Your Film podcast: