Ike Reilly and Mike Schmiedeler Talk Documentary Journey With ‘Don’t Turn Your Back on Friday Night’

Documentary hits all TVOD platforms on August 27th.

Don't Turn Your Back On Friday Night - Jeff Mateer, Gravitas Ventures, Clean Blood Picturees

Co-director Mike Schmiedeler was a man of Ike Reilly’s music, and years later that passion turned into the documentary “Don’t Turn Your Back on Friday Night.” Schmiedeler and Reilly talk to CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes about the documentary, which was co-directed by Michael O’Brien. Listen to Eric Holmes’ interview below through Apple Podcasts and/or YouTube!

Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday Night – Gravitas Ventures/Clean Blood Pictures

Five years in the making, “Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday Night” covers the life and career of Ike Reilly with the help of over 40 years of footage. Interviews with critics, fans, and family are also included in the documentary. Cracker memebers David Lowery and Johnny Hickman, along with Rage Against The Machine member Tom Morello (who executive produced) are among the interviewees.

Don't Turn Your Back On Friday Night – TRAILER from Mike Schmiedeler on Vimeo.

Reilly was more than happy with how the documentary turned out. “I was blown away by the film they made,” said Reilly. “It doesn’t always show me in the most flattering light. I don’t care about that – I’m proud to be part of such an interesting film. It’s non-linear. It’s impressionistic. They weave songs in that are kind of time stamps and the film deals with religion and alcoholism and the pursuit of authenticity in a way that’s pretty sneaky.”

Schmiedeler first met Ike Reilly in 2013 and the appreciation for the man and his music was immediate. “I’ve seen him play more than any other musician and I am a pretty avid music fan,” said Schmiedeler whose idea for the documentary starting in 2018. “(Ike) is incredibly unique and charismatic (along with) the band and the people that surround him. And then his family is just outstanding.”

Ike Reilly is currently touring with the documentary, and for more info on his tour go to Reilly’s website. You can check Reilly out on August 22nd at Fort Wayne, Indiana’s Cinema Center and on August 23rd at Cleveland, Ohio’s Beachland Ballroom & Tavern.

“Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday Night” hits all TVOD platforms on August 27th, 2024. Let us know your thoughts on the documentary once you see it!