Trailer: Cary Elwes And Jason Patric Topline ‘Resistance: 1942’

The picture, hitting theaters and On Demand November 11, co-stars Judd Hirsch and Greer Grammer.


If a movie starring Cary Elwes, Jason Patric, and Judd Hirsch comes my way, I will give it a shot. Resistance: 1942, directed and penned by Matthew G. Hill and Landon Johnson, places us in France where the Nazis have complete control. Jacques (Elwes) spreads a message of hope via the radio, even though he, his daughter (Greer Grammer) and a couple of survivors (Judd Hirsch, Mira Furlan) are in grave danger.

The feature co-stars Sebastian Roche as Captain Klaus Jager, the officer sent by the Gestapo to hunt down Jacques. Jason Patric is Andre, a Swiss banker who may be the key to the survivors’ escape from their living hell.

Babylon 5 and Lost fans may also be interested in this feature as it is her final film (she passed in 2021). The picture was previously named Burning at Both Ends, but for me Resistance: 1942 is a more catchy moniker.

The picture also stars Don Harvey, an actor I have always appreciated since his turn as morally bankrupt soldier in Casualties of War. Plus, Resistance: 1942 marks a reunion with Patric (they both starred in the overlooked feature The Beast.

Tell us what you think of the trailer and if Resistance: 1942 is on your to watch list when it hits select theaters, Digital and On Demand via Quiver Distribution!

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