Cory Grant and Richie Fusco Talk Inspiration Behind John Hughes Inspired ‘Screams from the Tower’

SCREAMS FROM THE TOWER - Credit: Screams from the Tower LLC

Director Cory Grant and Richie Fusco talk about their new movie “Screams From The Tower.” The feature premieres tonight at Dances With Films NYC at the Regal Union Square. CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes talked to Grant and Fusco about the gay, coming-of-age comedy which pays homage to the John Hughes movies of yesteryear.

The narrative centers on Julien (Richie Fusco) and Cary (David Bloom), best friends and high school outcasts in the early 90’s. The pair dream of having their own program at their high school radio station. When that dream is realized, they become popular and infamous.

“It’s a John Hughes homage because I grew up where Hughes shot all his brilliant coming-of-age movies in the northburbs of Chicago. To me those are best coming of age movies available,” said Grant, who cited The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Home Alone as some the best coming of age comedies to date. “(Although) it still resonates with me, I wanted to push it further and imagine it if John Hughes had two gay central characters, closeted as it were, because it’s the 90’s. Also also (have this film) talk to the current generation in high school. (They) seem to love the 90s right now. I hear it in the music, I see it in their clothes and they are much sexier than I ever was. Hopefully it appeals to them and so far it has had a great response.”

“Right away, I knew this film was going to be so fun fun to play around with – everybody involved was so incredible. They were inviting all this creative energy. We had an absolute blast filming it,” added Ritchie Fusco. “And top to bottom, it was a pretty enjoyable experience.”

Eric Holmes recommends “Screams from the Tower,” and describes it as “a great amount of fun.” Catch “Screams from the Tower” tonight at Dances With Films!!

***This week’s CinemAddicts features reviews of “Get Away,” “Lake George,” and “The Order.” Listen to our reviews below: