Rebekka Johnson Talks ‘Bad Rabbit’ And Power of Improvisation

Co-directed by Kate Nash, Bad Rabbit is part of Hulu's Bite Size Halloween short series.


Some viewers may know Rebekka Johnson from the beloved series GLOW, and although that program is over, the creative collaboration continues. Johnson and fellow GLOW co-star Kate Nash direct Bad Rabbit, a short that is part of Hulu’s Bite Size Halloween series. Find Your Film host Eric Holmes interviewed Johnson about Bad Rabbit and she talked about her upcoming feature project as well.

Rebekka Johnson, Melinda DeKay, and Kate Nash – Bad Rabbit (Bite Size Halloween) Photo: 20th Digital

Bad Rabbit centers on Elspeth (Kate Nash), a timid woman who takes care of her cruel and vulgar mother (Melinda DeKay). With the encouragement of a deranged creature (Bad Rabbit is played by Rebekka Johnson), Elspeth tries to finally stand up to her mom. Rabbits are given a ton of love in this short. Bad Rabbit may also leave you looking at your lawnmower in a different manner!

Johnson started off her career as a sketch comedian, and improvising was a big part of her skill set. “When you’re doing improv, you’re sort of doing everything,” said Johnson. “You’re writing and directing and acting on stage all at once. So then I translated that into the real world.”

Check out the interview below as Johnson talks about collaborating with Nash and she also talked about an upcoming dance comedy she directed called Step Aside. Plus Johnson and Nash are also interested in turning Bad Rabbit into a feature. Considering Bad Rabbit is such a memorable character, I would love to see this short expanded!

Let us know your thoughts on Bad Rabbit and tell us some of your favorite shorts from the third season of Bite Size Halloween!

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