Movie Mainline Podcast Focuses On “Marathon” Indulgences

Episode zero (aka Patient Zero) of Movie Mainline is up, and bottom line is I’m already having fun with three cinephiles (and more importantly, friends). Details on what our show is about is featured in this inaugural MM podcast post!!

“My movie taste is what I like,” said Eric Holmes, who’s pretty much the straight ahead voice of reason on the program . “I think deeply about the movies that I like. I don’t think too deeply about why I like them. I just either do or I don’t.”

I’ve known Eric Holmes for several years, as he’s a friend of another podcast buddy of mine (Anderson Cowan), and I am still ashamed that I haven’t seen several of Eric’s top movie recommendations (Rififi, The Scalphunters, and Gremlins). He’s definitely off the cuff, and if you want to hear random xiphoid process jokes, Eric is your guy!

Luis Lacau is the creator/founder of Man Bites Media/Film and does a ton of podcasts (I’m a fan of the salty banter among the hosts of Man Bites Film and I had a fun time talking to Luis’ colleagues on that program as well). Over the years he’s supported my own podcast endeavors with enthusiasm, and one of the many cool things about him is he prefers spotlighting other people’s work over his own content. He’s doing a ton of the legwork for Movie Mainline and hats off to his hard work and “people first” ethos. Just because I love the guy (we are both closeted esoteric film snobs), I am going to give FernGully: The Last Rainforest a Shot!!


Bruce Purkey is, to quote Donnie Brasco, a “friend of mine.” He has penned his share of movie reviews for Deepest Dream and contributes a ton for the CinemAddicts Facebook Group. On a personal level I truly respect his movie and music tastes, and will honestly defer to him 10/10 times when it comes to those topics. His knowlege of Giallo cinema is something I really need to take advantage of, and like Eric and Luis, he consumes a wide array of films. I still have not seen Rosemary’s Baby or Suspiria – sorry Bruce!! I am halfway done with The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young (which he recommends on the episode) and I love it.

Our main goal for Movie Mainline is to provide people with weekly movie recommendations that are available via streaming or on physical media. I apologize for my spotty audio on the podcast, but I’ve just purchased a Rode NT-USB and I should be getting it by next week. Anyways, here’s episode “Patient Zero” of Movie Mainline. Check it out and tell us what you think!!

Last but not least, if you have movie recommendations that you’d love for us to mention on the show, please feel free and thank you in advance!!!